serious USpol commentary 

I don't support electoralism in general, the US is an illegitimate genocidal empire, Kopmala, Gaza, etc., but also I think all the people who are saying that we just need to do a heckin revolution are either naive or delusional. we needed to be building an organized left two fucking decades ago at the very least when the Patriot Act got passed, and instead no one has been doing shit and the left in the US is absolutely not prepared to do anything serious like that. you can't just manifest a revolutionary force out of thin air capable of winning a war with the most powerful military on earth lmao.

I think the 2020 riots gave a pretty good gauge of where the US is at politically and from what I've heard about some local stuff that went down which I will not get into the specifics of, the chances of any serious shit going down has repeatedly been kneecapped by adventurist white middle class leftoid idiots who can show up to happenings, larp as revolutionaries and escalate shit way too early, and then go home or not face any serious consequences since they have no serious investment in any of this. there is some vague sense of younger generations supporting further left politics but nothing yet in the US that is capable of turning that into anything useful.

the student demonstrations for Palestine also have given me some hope that this is changing and that people are attempting to take things seriously, and honestly I wasn't at all expecting amerikans to be capable of giving a fuck about a colonial genocide happening in some foreign country. but things are still in the early stages so who knows.

anyway fuck KKKamala HarriSS but also another four years of the US slowly sliding into fascism rather than immediately falling off the cliff might give some time for the subjective forces to continue to develop. unlike when Biden won, I don't think anyone is under the delusion anymore that we're gonna just be able to return to a complacent normalcy and that Trump's first term will have been a fluke.

oh also I'm not saying you gotta heckin voot blue no matter who or some shit, let the centrist normies voot. the left should be focused on regionalist organizing. this is just my take on where we're at right now. also I honestly just think it would be funny if Trump lost.

serious USpol commentary 

@nyx that second paragraph is basically Seattle's CHOP/CHAZ in a nutshell. It was fun and fine for a little while when it was merely a temporary organized protest a la Occupy but with the promise of developing a neighborhood culture of mutual assistance and distrust of the SPD. Next thing you know, a bunch of white libshits took over when the more radical elements saw the writing on the wall that our libfash mayor was about to use the SPD to do an armed re-seizure of the neighborhood and someone immediately died

serious USpol commentary 

@nyx @lydiaposting didn’t a random rapper with a posse move in too?

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