Dear liberals: not every social media behavior that you personally find distasteful is caused by Russians or Iranians.

I promise Iran has better things to do than send spies to pretend to be poor people on Mastodon to make liberals angry by polluting your precious hashtags, Karen


I dunno about Iran, but I've been told that Putin is afraid his oligarchs will defenestrate him if he doesn't deliver them Ukraine soon, and Trump is his only hope of doing that. If that's correct, then I would expect him to send trolls to social media to help Trump win.

@argv_minus_one Oh, i'm sure there are trolls and shit-stirrers around, but DEFAULTING to that as an explanation is fucking bullshit. People who aren't Evil Foreigners are allowed to disagree with the folks who worship Harris and think they own hashags!


Yes, there are plenty of American MAGAts on social media too, unfortunately.

@argv_minus_one There are plenty of us who are leftists who are critical of Harris and her supporters, too! I'm far from a MAGAt; i just don't like Blue MAGA any better than Red MAGA.


Then I'm deeply disappointed in you. If Harris loses, neither you nor I will live to see the end of next year. Trump will kill us both, alongside millions of other innocents.


@argv_minus_one @adrienne he’s won before. What’s your plan for the likely event he wins again? Do you have any idea what you will do?


Die before the “deportation” squads come, I guess. Slightly better than slowly dying of starvation in a concentration camp. Slightly.


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