I hate it when the disabled neurodivdergent homeless white trans woman thinks they're oppressed, due to the white fragility of the white queers,
@woof some TME POC who is probably like one degree of separation from the FBI and gets $2000 in patreonbux when me n the girls who all deal with food and housing insecurity and have scary mental illnesses and survive off government assistance and shenanigans happen to be "white"

@nyx @woof

I was just on bluesky and saw Bill Kezos is feuding with a rapist FBI cybersec contractor who is a black transfemme

@destroy @nyx @woof I've been watching it with great interest cuz my abuser is buddy-buddy with her lol
@destroy @nyx @woof I was saying that my abuser, Violet (bimbonihilism) is trying to be buddy buddy with Anonsee
@destroy @nyx @woof so true. personally I can't wait for faers gf to see that part of faer. I know her & I KNOW she doesn't stand for any of that shit and has beat the shit out of multiple people with allegations locally, including an ex-friend(who i cut ties with after I found out)

it feels like watching a pot of water waiting for it to boil

@Casssdreams @destroy @nyx sorry about this all, i have no clue about the details but i have enough pattern recognition to understand what’s up

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