watching zoomers lose thwir minds that a streaming site went down, like there wont be 1another site to take its place and 2 qbittorrent is free and you have the actual file.

i explainef this to my irls and they literally complained about it somehow being too hard. im just convinced they dont wanna do it out of laziness.
@Mondobizarrro i mean aniwave was cool because sometimes i just wanted to watch an anime without spending 30 hours downloading the whole series only to have half the files be corrupted
@unmind ive never had any files be corrupt. nyas works fine. i never said i didnt use aniwave also. its just only a minor setback bc its the internet, someone WILL take its place

otoh these sites just scrape torrent trackers anyways, then reencodes them to be worse quality and adds a shitty watermark too. storage is also much greater, and cheaper than it was 20 years ago. dont get me wrong i torrented over 10tb of anime, but most of that is dragon ball z torrents that were multiple tb cause flac audio and best video quality

@unmind @Mondobizarrro lmao I know exactly what DBZ collection ur talking about cuz I literally didn’t have a single drive big enough for it so I had to get a shittier one

@unmind @Mondobizarrro funimation dub with japanese music original aspect ratio…

@destroy @unmind i went for faulconer score only cause i had just binged all of dragon ball so i was kinda tired of the og jp music by that point
@destroy @unmind i like both scores. but the composer for dragonball was a xenophobic fascist iirc. they also composed the dragon quest music iirc?

@Mondobizarrro @unmind I just think the Faulconer score is only good for a couple episodes. It’s not so bad I won’t watch it

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