as a transfem it actually scares me that i am only seeing people talk about "transfem solidarity" anymore instead of "trans solidarity" like what the absolute fuck

like, im not surprised, ive been yelling into the void about shit like this for months it feels like, this is not okay you cant keep slicing off more and more of an intersectional, pluralistic revolutionary movement down to some core of imagined purity of identity and expect it to be meaningful or productive, not when youve alienated and dehumanized every marginalized community that ostensibly believes in your humanity and autonomy as much as you do but wont work with you against a common foe because of your need for control

@rachaelspooky we talk about transfem solidarity beacause we have lost faith in any other demographic showing up for us about transmisogyny in any consistent way. girls like us gotta show up for each other, cause nobody else will in practice

@dangerdyke do you hear yourself? like, for real, do you genuinely believe transfems have been abandoned as a class by the queer movement, and by intersectionalism at large, and that rejecting other marginalized struggles in kind for our own movement is praxis?

@rachaelspooky in all seriousness though, where did we say to abandon other struggles? looking out for transfems doesnt mean we hate every other grouup, only that every other group hates us (no matter how much they pay lip service to respecting us)

@rachaelspooky but i like how you jam 2 completely unrelated accusations together (“you think transfems have been abandoned by the queer movement” and “you want to abandon other marginalized groups”) as if they’re part of the same claim. nice little rhetorical trick

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