Macron appointed a reactionary as prime minister after the left won the election? What’s next, Joe Biden implementing Donald Trump’s border and Covid policies?

Haha just kidding, the purpose of a system is what it does and what the electoral “democracies” do is serve the capital class, regardless of the outcome of elections or the preferences of voters.

There’s some non-zero chance that Harris will win the US presidential election by millions of votes and Trump will become president anyway, and lots of liberals will blame anarchists for not voting rather than a political system that consistently empowers reactionaries regardless of electoral outcomes *because that’s the whole point of these systems.*


I will absolutely blame both.
Anyone who does not vote is a Trump voter. That may be the point of the whole system, and it may be horrible. But not voting doesn't do *jack squat*
Except make you look super cool to the other edgelords. (while you sit safe in a position of privilege)

@hannu_ikonen @Asbestos

Everyone who voted for Clinton in 2016 turned out to be a Trump voter too


Um no, that's not how it works. The Burnie bros and the other privileged people who didn't vote were trump voters

@hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum @Asbestos wait please enlighten me how people who don’t vote are privileged. Voter turnout increases with education and income. Are the 60% of people making less than 20k who didn’t vote more privileged than the 76% of people making six figures that did vote? It seems to me like voting is the domain of the rich.


@hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum
No the people who *choose* not to vote to make some sort of a point about the system are privileged. Because it's not a matter of personal risk to them.

@Asbestos @destroy @hannu_ikonen

What about people who choose not to vote because voting is structurally irrelevant to their lives and serves only to legitimize undemocratic outcomes?

@HeavenlyPossum @destroy @hannu_ikonen
Yeah that falls into the original category of point proving or performative edginess. The slight degree that it legitimizes undemocratic outcomes is overwhelmingly offset by an vastly shittier outcome. the phrase "structurally irrelevant" brings to mind someone in a position to not care what the outcome is, and someone who believes their self righteousness is more important that actual harm coming to others.

@Asbestos @hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum so the majority of Iraqis are in a position to not care what the outcome is?

@destroy @hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum
Wait wut? Iraqis?
if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bus.

@Asbestos @hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum are you not reading the articles posted in the comments you reply to?

@destroy @hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum
No. because the points made in the post don't warrant it. why should I take the time to read an article if the person making it can make a decent argument?


@HeavenlyPossum @hannu_ikonen @Asbestos But the majority of nonvoters polled saying they won’t vote cuz their vote doesn’t matter is essential to the conversation because non-voters are concentrated in low income and non-White populations

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