so just everyone in this class knows what they're doing? oh, you just know everything about the material and you just know the exact information to interject with during discussion? you just HAPPEN to know all of greek mythology for a tangential conversation you fucking freak?
@ageha i dont read and i dont watch a lot of media. might just be me but i also don't remember much trivia either
my kidly days were pre-internet, but seemed impossible to escape at least basic knowledge of back then. even very poor, mums would take kids to the library during the day for something to do, and such books were all over
@ageha i dont read books because i spent most of my time making things .. i used to read a moderate amount and then i stopped because i like spending my time working on things .. im sure im missing out on many brownie points with the well-read but i will not be held informationally captive by the stubborn and snobbish
@ten @krankheit
well, can see it as biased oldfag response (i'm as much book person as computer person, e.g. was library worker lending out those percy jackson books to kids who are the 20 somethings today), but say to that is that literacy is an equally important part of education and personal development

can see them as counterpart-investments in the explore-exploit algorithm of life; without a foundation in history and cultural touchstones, people run off exploiting in random unfounded directions. illiteracy, would say, is the primary reason for cultural stupid infecting everything in the past decade or so. in the 90s life was a little more stable because people read / had this shared cultural knowledge. and what they read and knew was of course very lacking and skewed in its coverage of many things, but modern writing can remedy a lot of that, if people would only read it

(important of course too to have some degree specialisation, sure but, with people focussing more one or the other side. just need strong overlap to help them meet
@ageha @krankheit @ten

are you absolutely certain that the ignorant people weren't even more ignorant back then, just more submissive to stable central authority and institutions?

@whiteline @krankheit @ten @ageha people are more submissive to central authority now than they were in 1999. When was the last time there was a counterculture that wasn't made by a marketing firm?

@vriska @krankheit @ten @ageha

us having this conversation is participating in counterculture

@whiteline @krankheit @ten @ageha what hilariously sad standards. in the 90s countercultures had scenes, art, literature, music, places to meet and gather in real life, actual subversion of norms in ways that could not be ignored. This is posts online.

@vriska @krankheit @ten @ageha

this may seem a bit mean but 90s counterculture was mostly just bored young people partying and playing dressup and not about _actually_ subverting social norms. just because your parents doesn't know where you are and you're high on whatever shit doesn't make you some innovative rebel outside society

people who actually subvert social norms are always considered problematic and are ejected to the periphery, even by so called counterculture

@whiteline @krankheit @ten @ageha and what do you think internet posts are? when was the last time you made your discontent with what you perceive the social norms to be known in a way that matters to anyone who isn't reading this post?

@whiteline @krankheit @ten @ageha have you ever even wrote "down with [whatever]" on a building? Even just once?

@vriska @krankheit @ten @ageha

yeah that's the kind of "hehe i'm so rebellious" stuff i just don't understand

here in germany it's basically a part of mainstream culture that you do that, every single building is covered in graffiti and antifa stickers

@whiteline @krankheit @ten @ageha that's not counterculture if everyone is doing it, just like being inane online

@vriska @krankheit @ten @ageha

well what i mean with counterculture in the sense of this conversation is talking on a federated network without central authority and without resorting to things that mimic central authority (blocklists and such

given the state of the internet and how almost all people use social media that is indeed counter-cultural and slightly revolutionary

that is actually acting in a way contrary to social norms, unlike drinking too much beer and being a nuisance
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