
Compared to any description of the world a few hundred years ago, diversity of animals insects and plant life on land, in the sky, even in forests, or in rivers and the oceans is so staggeringly low, emptied. Even in relatively untouched, far flung places. The average ignorance of ecology disguises being able to imagine just how devastated this world is, how much is already lost. We already live on a barren planet.

Hanging upsidedown, off the edge of a cliff by a thread, sick deletions and vomiting, we can only close our eyes or throw the dice...


@0utside0utsider its fairly upsetting how by default humans seem to take the amount of biodiversity there is now for granted
ignorance is the only alternative to becoming massively misanthropic


@aliasless "its fairly upsetting how by default humans seem to take the amount of biodiversity there is now for granted"

Exactly, its such a clear cognitive bias

"ignorance is the only alternative to becoming massively misanthropic"

I avoid total misanthropy by my very special cope: simply believing capital is a living otherworldly entity that has possessed most all humans

re: Doomery 

@aliasless @dangerdyke @0utside0utsider Werewolf: The Apocalypse. The 90s ruled in terms of RPGs

re: Doomery 

@destroy @aliasless @0utside0utsider yeah that. unfortunately the subsequent versions did away with all the shit that made it cool

re: Doomery 

@dangerdyke @destroy @aliasless @0utside0utsider the Wyrm and Pentex and the fomori were basically my template for getting to the point where i could believe in the reality of the Devil and i ended up being actually christian for 7 years before the problem of evil finally wore down my capacity for theoditic mental gymnastics

...apparently to the point where my main online handle is now taken directly from the Wyrm-equivalent from another, more obscure World of Darkness game :darkness:
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