there’s a type of transmisogyny that seems to be based on some kind of lived trauma

and for whatever reason the person will just forever be triggered by the thought of trans women and the fear of being hurt by them.

and it’s hard not to feel a measure of compassion for such people

but it’s still fucking bullshit to think of us as all part of the same hive mind conspiracy against you specifically;

we are all actually *different* people from each other.

you can name the specific person who hurt you.

please leave the rest of us the fuck out of your public therapy session

@bri_seven picture a person who was mug by a black man once and now dedicates his life to defend the thin blue line, or a person who was scammed by an immigrant once and now dedicates his life to advocate for children in cages, are they owed the same kind of compassion and if not why should transmisogynists be different?

@aris a measure. for their trauma; not for their reaction

@bri_seven @aris pity/mourn the person they were; hate the thing they have become
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