I think that "both parties are the same" rhetoric is poisoning the left's ability to speak to anyone who isn't already basically a socialist of some kind, because it's so clearly incredibly stupid that it alienates people who should hypothetically be the easiest to win over. Liberal activist types who are already politically engaged and easy to get involved in things are turned off by the combination of weird self-congratulatory conspiracism and the obvious disregard for the consequences of far right victories.

I'll also say that it's always very revealing when someone launches into a "both parties are the same" screed and it quickly becomes apparent that they literally don't know anything about whatever subject they're talking about. Which is a problem when you're talking to people who are very familiar with a particular area of engagement.

I'm not necessarily a huge believer in the idea that the left needs to convince everyone, but I do think that it's probably not good to have a reputation as unserious Alex Jones type morons who have no ability to analyze politics


@PallasRiot most people who don’t vote believe something along these lines though

@destroy Yeah, it demobilizes people and doesn't make it any easier to get anyone involved while alienating people who should be easier to reach out to

@PallasRiot The left is largely made up of the people who were already demobilized. If they weren’t they would simply be Democrats. The activist types are a couple thousand in a country of hundreds of millions.

@destroy The activist types are more people than the left. The activist types are also a lot more productive on average than most demobilized people with no political engagement or understanding.

@PallasRiot oh I didn’t mean activist types in general I meant leftist activist types. There’s millions of activist types running both parties and the whole non-profit industrial complex

@PallasRiot @destroy

I'm voting for Vermin Supreme. I could really use the free pony.
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