
iberal democracies have tried their hardest to convince the public that any political act not done through their institutions is illegitimate.

the institutions of our society are built on structures which inherently exclude. because of this society produces its own resistance.

our history, as queer people, has been the history of demanding recognition against a society that wants to define us away, failing the "objective" criteria of the structures it claims as truth.

we have, throughout history, shown that truth to be a farce.

the state doesn't protect us. the structures which constitute the state are built on our exclusion. rights don't protect us. rights are a record of a history of subjugation, in which the subjugated refused.

we protect us.

only when we assume our freedom in practice, when we coordinate our abilities with one another to protect one another, do our "rights" become anything more than words scrawled on paper.

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A small congregation of exiles.