Nuked twitter and Instagram, tried but that stuff is broken and very slow (guess swift is not that swift afterall)

I will keep at Ashenwan on Hive for now.

I should learn how to Mastodon and will probably move to another instance if possible when I find a place suitable...
but I guess it doesn't really matter since it seems to be like the Mycelium Network of socials.

Tumblr and this should be enough for me.
But yeah, twitter as of late just makes me mad and sad.

Hard pass.


@Ashencore i was disappointedly laughing with DM earlier saying "it's fucked up that my own Masto instance is working more reliably than twitter"

it's unfortunate twitter had to crash and burn this way, but i think something more, as you put it, mycelium-esque, is much more suited to longevity tbh

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@exiliaex I remember when diaspora* arrived and everyone just ignored it en mass cos too complex to set up. People do enjoy having a pre-made soup and mastodon has that ready. Honestly if I had a PC and a non post soviet connection I would make an instance where Nasty can thrive and bring his friendlies.

Maybe inwill someday.

But yeah, I bet Diaspora is still kicking even with low user base.

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