pol economy 

there's a deep irony in that leftists will be like "oh classical econ yeah you can do an imminent critique of that to egalitiaran ends"

but with neoclassical econ many have a kneejerk response of "oh thats just capitalist ideology dont touch it"

despite it being really ez to do imminent critique because its unavoidably connected to computer science


pol economy 

@mutual_ayyde imo, this is because neoclassical econ presents itself as "overcoming" the less egalitarian nature of classical econ, and thus, presents itself as overcoming the critique of pol-econ itself. so the leftist instinctively encourages others to stay away from it, and instead familiarize oneself with previous critiques. i can understand why some communists would want to do that to newbies but it definitely produces the problem you described.

pol economy 

@exiliaex honestly that excuse is pretty threadbare - joanna bockman's markets in the name of socialism is good on this, the depoliticized nature of neoclassical econ comes from states pushing it in a instrumentalist direction for policy or decision making but plenty of people used it for broader critique (albeit using highly formal mathematics so that censors didnt realize what was up)


pol economy 

@mutual_ayyde don't mean it as an excuse, just trying to track the development (progression or regression) of pol-econ critique among the left historically.

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