holy fuck
this is mastodon i should not be getting hundreds of boosts

Finally caught up with my notifications. Gonna have to prune my following list significantly and be more selective about following back.

I can't use the web interface now because there are still boost and favorite notifications every few seconds. I really hope it settles down soon...

I don't think I ever got this much attention on Twitter or YouTube!

Four digits of boosts. Neat.

I hope this isn't killing the server my instance runs on.


@f00fc7c8 holy shit, i underestimated the fediverse; i would be curious to know the load on your instance this is causing

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 2

@exiliaex It's running shockingly well, just a few small slowdowns. I credit Masto.host and the people who donate to the admin to pay for it.

@f00fc7c8 @exiliaex It's been surprisingly low impact compared to our previous viral post of cat picture which naturally meant greater data transfer. However, the biggest difference is the pace of people checking it. Gargron/Eugen pointing all his followers towards us at once was a bigger issue than the number of boosts & favourites.

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