I hope that doe and demonmama being on fedi with more to come will bring more discourse here.

There's not much for lengthy conversations that aren't related to meta drama, but I always enjoyed leftist spaces where we go back and forth philosophizing and having intellectual debates about things we can't discuss in length with liberals. Fedi needs intellectually stimulating conversations

@eris i'd really like that! i've been doing a bit of a "rebirth" of all my online spaces recently to try to make them more about facilitating research and discussion on philosophy/theology/political theory.

i'm not sure the best way to structure things on here yet to get that experience but it is actively something i'm attempting to cultivate!

@exiliaex I think if you post the way you want to cultivate the space, that will happen! The good thing about running your own instance is you can shape it into whatever space you want it to be.

Otherwise, the general fedi discourse tends to fall back on blocking discussions and drama in the absence of anything else, and that's just not interesting lol

@eris lmao yeah it's currently my least favorite thing about the culture here. tendencies towards meta conversation or conversation about twitter. don't care about either.

but i also know i gotta ground philosophy conversations more than i typically do if i'm expecting others to engage with more than a like or boost because they liked the way something sounded.

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