
copyright discourse 

as a lifelong pirate and half-lifelong state-hater, ive never found much in the way of a good argument for copyright. what am i missing?

copyright discourse 

@exiliaex it’s funny, I’ve heard people argue it was to prevent large corporations from stealing the work of independent artists, but then they went ahead and used copyright law to do just that.

copyright discourse 

@exiliaex nothing imo…

re: copyright discourse 

@exiliaex Without copyright what exactly prevents a company from just profiting off someone, especially vulnerable minorities, without giving them a cent? Without earning anything from previous books how is a good author meant to earn a living and keep writing instead of wasting away doing manual labor to sustain themselves?

I find the real issue with copyright is that it should have never extended past the life of the author. That's the mechanism that makes it possibly to perpetually abuse the mechanism instead of contributing back to common culture.

re: copyright discourse 


"without copyright, what prevents a company from profiting off someone, especially vulnerable minorities, without giving them a cent...?"

with copyright, it's more likely that authors stop owning what they create because they made it while being paid *by* a company to produce a product.

i was a software dev for a while and that's how it worked there too. copyright didn't protect me and my code. it just gave the company which bought my laborpower (which it had the ability to do because private property forces me into a condition in which i have to sell myself, due to ongoing dispossession)

i understand the concept; "i made this, that took effort on my part, its creation was a part of me, and if someone else just steals my work to profit off of, then i've got the short end of the stick"

but i guess my point is that copyright doesn't even solve that. i mean hell, to even try to fight a company that steals from you, in a clear-cut case, you have to be able to afford a lawyer, something they know dispossessed workers can't do.

copyright discourse 

@exiliaex I don't think you are missing anything. There isn't really a good argument for copyright even in the context of capitalism where individual creators are supposed to benefit from protections but those protections are often used against them by large corporations.

@exiliaex I just hate that regarding visual arts, copyright is brandished as the sole protection against AI image generators.

copyright discourse 

@exiliaex I don't think you're missing anything. The only reason copyright and IP in general exist was to help ensure that individuals get credited for their work under capitalism, and it didn't even pan out that way.

copyright discourse 

@exiliaex only thing you're missing is the taste of boot in your mouth

@exiliaex like, independent of capitalism? There isn't one. Copyright is to ensure that, if you create art to sell for money to survive, you are the one that actually gets that money.

If you take away the need to sell something, either that you've made or your labor, to survive copyright becomes meaningless.

@exiliaex in real life I don't think it succeeds at doing th even that, to be very clear, I'm just saying that's the only time it even makes sense in theory.

copyright discourse 

@exiliaex But would you download a car?

copyright discourse 

@exiliaex If you were an independent artist and people shared your work a bunch without giving you money and that doesn’t end up leading to people buying things from you in the future that would suck for you because you don’t get to eat. And the general thought of “I created this please don’t steal it” I think is a good one. Problem is 90% of art is owned by mega-corpos so pirating from them is definitely ok. If Copyright still ended as soon as the author was dead and it focused on purely the artist instead of the corporation then I’d support it.

copyright discourse 

@exiliaex nothing, copyright is trash

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