Another fedi question 

Me making an eightpoint acc literally just to talk to (1) person. Should i just cut my losses.

Also do i have to make separate accs for each fedi instance i still dont get how tf this also works.

Another fedi question 

@Mondobizarrro no, you dont need an acct on every instance. any instance can interact with any other instance (so long as neither instance has "defederated" from one another, which is what happened with eightpoint, they defedded from xenofemme)

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re: Another fedi question 

@exiliaex im guessing this answers the question since your instance is And i can friend ppl from kollectiva as well.

re: Another fedi question 

@Mondobizarrro yeah, exactly; see, the fediverse is just "any software that utilizes the activitypub protocol"

so, if, while i'm on an instance, (say, for example, social.xenofemme...) and i do a search for another website (say, for example, on my instance, the request it sends is asking whether that other site is also an activitypub protocol site, and if it is, it automatically "federates" with it, which is why me and you can interact right now.

but, admins of the instances hold the power to "defederate" meaning they can prevent their instance from interacting with another instance at all.

re: Another fedi question 

@exiliaex @Mondobizarrro xenofem, disqordia, ANd kolektiva
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