I don't want to know what posts are trending. I want to know what posts aren't. Give me your weird goblin posts that lurk in the shadows. Bring on those posts that are so ugly only a mother could love them.


@intransitivelie my goblin posts are too secret for you, traveler. hide in the inns, the shadows of the mountains are teeming with posts so goblin they would eat your entire family. be grateful you haven't seen the goblin posts i've seen.

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You mistake me, for I am a goblin myself. I creep and crawl in the darkness at the roots of mountains and in the shadow that lurks behind a thousand doors, and into the chasms deeper than ever delved miners I scream secrets no mortal man must hear. I sing the rot of the worlds of mankind and I gnash my crooked teeth with glee at the thought of weary travelers stumbling into my domain. I am conversant in the old posts, the eldritch posts, the posts that can be given no name and yet must be tooted, for the bargain was made long ago. Shitpost they name me, and huddle by their fires in fear at rumor of my presence. Dad Joke I am called in the old tongue. Lewd is scrawled upon my brow, and my smile brings the doom of a thousand shining eyes.

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A small congregation of exiles.