I would give anything to have Mastodon automatically group notifications by specific post

if you get 20 likes and 10 boosts, that's 30 notifications -- here's what 4 look like (super tall)

is there any technical reason why these notifs can't be grouped? (cc @pojntfx )

@socdoneleft @pojntfx github.com/mastodon/mastodon-a

according to this, the issue *has* been solved before by someone, but it was dropped due to "nitpicking in the comments"

@exiliaex @socdoneleft @pojntfx reading the original PR, and interpreting this as a much-published open source developer:


seems eugen did a very limited and crude first pass solution, but simply didn't like the idea at all in the first place, and when people asked for a bit of sophistication, dropped it because, quote:

"this grouping is sterilizing the feeling you get from interacting with other people"

@exiliaex @socdoneleft @pojntfx also as a small additional note: eugen is the primary maintainer of the mastodon software and owner of mastodon.social and as such a bit more than "someone", which combined with his dislike of the matter might also have had a chilling effect


@Mithaldu @socdoneleft @pojntfx eugen has silly and bad ideas about how certain things on the fediverse should work, and, personally, i think he should be disregarded (i'm actively in the process of updating my instance to a fork away from the original masto source so that i have more functionality, functionality that eugen thinks shouldn't be part of masto) but, absolutely, what you've said makes perfect sense

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@exiliaex @socdoneleft @pojntfx i'd phrase it more as such: there are certain lessons about communication at scale that the mastodon team will have to learn at some point, which his reply in your link seems to indicate might be happening

but yeah, in the meantime prototyping it locally and then maybe trying to push it back up seems optimal, especially as this is a pure ui issue that could technically be solved in JS

@exiliaex @Mithaldu @pojntfx I know you're too anarchist for voting, but this seems like an obvious solution for voting -- just let Mastodon users pick what they want (and not by "voting with their feet" -- this is an option that's front end, it can be en/disabled with one click of a button)

what's the advantages of the fork you're choosing? how much is hosting an instance?

@socdoneleft @Mithaldu @pojntfx hey! i vote! i'm 25 and until this past year (which was only due to address issues) i've voted every couple years!!

but i completely agree; i want both end users and admins to have more granular control over instances.

currently i'm picking between
a. glitch-soc.github.io/docs/
b. github.com/hometown-fork/homet

one of the main features i was looking for was the ability to make instance-only posts (something eugen strongly disagress with) but there are other things i wanted like better list management, certain threading modes and different kinds of toot-types so they can be presented differently (like, for example, articles) collapsible toots, etc

hosting instances will cost different things depending on the number of users/speed/activity of users. if you kept it small and private you could probably skirt by with getting webspace at about 20 dollars a month or so and a cheap domain name for 5-10 bucks a year.

im keeping mine pretty small but it costs me about 60 bucks a month for the way i have it set up

@exiliaex @Mithaldu @pojntfx


- I love the doodles
- I hate instance-only posts
- I love threading
- I love collapsibles
ty for showing me this!

that's not terrible for an interactive social media site -- are you running on AWS?

@socdoneleft @Mithaldu @pojntfx lmfaoooo, i've been bested.

anyways nah, not AWs, i use digital ocean's webhosting, though, i've considered trying to make my own serverbox to install masto on at home.

@socdoneleft @Mithaldu @pojntfx also, i like the idea of instance-only posts the way i run my instance, which is that it's for the people who i actually know personally, mostly irl. so being able to get out a message to those people without it being a direct message or whatever is nice.

@exiliaex @socdoneleft @Mithaldu @pojntfx

This is super interesting, TIL that Mastodon runs on Ruby on Rails for the backend and JavaScript (React/Redux) on the frontend! I'm still new here lol.

From what I understand Mastadon's API is pretty comprehensive, and we can fork one of the frontends (the part that runs on React) and to add features that SDL proposed, such as grouping notifications by {whatever grouping logic}.

Is anyone here interested in using a different Mastadon frontend?

@conancat @exiliaex @socdoneleft @Mithaldu @pojntfx I have some random ideas for backend and frontend utilities. I’m terrible at making good (user friendly) front ends, but I can do the logic side with ease. I primarily use Go for backend programming.

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