I have an untrackable phone ....

.... I accidentally destroyed its cellular chip


@lunacottonwood that's a nice piece of plastic you've got there

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@exiliaex it is more of a media player because my other phone has damage to audio jack. when the phone is on wifi it can be tracked but it seem just the microphone and cellular chip were destroyed. it took a bit of a swim in the ocean and did not leave unscathed.

@Sophia sorry I am trying to understand why you said this and not getting why. lol

@lunacottonwood @Sophia some plastics leach chemicals which are chemically shaped similar to estrogen

@Syll_ @Sophia oh I am curious what plastics are you talking about and what is leached.

@lunacottonwood Something like ~86% of all plastics are made of chemicals that the body interprets as estrogen when they ping hormone receptors, so when plastics break down into microplastics and get into our food and water our bodies respond to them as if they were estrogen and are postulated to be a contributive factor in the drop globally in the endogenic production of testosterone and reduced sperm rates.

Basically, the chemicals in the water are turning the frogs gay, but it's not a nefarious plot it's just geotrauma inflicted by capitalism. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4364387/
@lunacottonwood Oh and as the abstract demonstrates exposure to them is correlative with increased feminization in fauna.

@Sophia ah this makes sence just I have never seen them written about as xenoestogens usaly just been called either estrogens or endocrine disputers. I am not finding the 86% of plastics have xenoestrogens. could that actual just be amount of plastics that are produced my mass have endocrine disputers?

@Mondobizarrro @Sophia errrr. is the level of estrogen is to small it will just be broken down by the body. however there are a lot of t blockers in a way in there.

@Mondobizarrro but now of this should be thought off like hrt. more like things that are just fucking with hormones and sometimes will lead to some out comes. owever it really depends on the plastic. some have much less effect or are very impact full on the body. the more dangerous stuff are peastisied. most of the plastics that seem to have xenoestorgesn in pretual are not that produced anymore do too how carcinogenic they are

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