
As queers and exiles of all kinds, remember that it's up to us to preserve the memory our love and living practices.

Many of us had no practices instilled in us by any queers in our lives, since many of us grew up in an era without queer elders, without a history being communicated by anyone trusted in our lives. Instead, many of us were struggling alone against the heavily Christian-coded practices of capitalist, consumerist hegemony.

We had to develop our own practices.
To keep ourselves and each other safer.
To accept and express ourselves.
To develop community, and love.

It's up to us to protect the memory of these practices, their living history. We cannot expect our memory to be kept by the textbooks of machine that produces workers.

We keep the memory of our love, our life, alive.

And we have the power to do more than those that came before us, so that those after us can walk with our knowledge, our failures.

Celebrate around shrines of your love. Let them burn as bright as your heart.

Build temples of rest for exiles. Let them be sanctuaries of self-acceptance as endless becomings.

it's for this reason that i genuinely think The Faggots & Their Friends Between Revolution was one of the most important reads for me as i was becoming what/who i am (a queer).

@exiliaex I hate twitter, tumbler, and tiktok but honestly they have been so important for the creation of this generation’s queer culture it’s actually crazy. Also GenZ queer music is actually S tier queer music of all time

@Syll_ @exiliaex So these things aren't so terrible themselves, just the companies that owned them, the bad faith actors from chanboards who tried to destroy them, etc.

@exiliaex We lost so many during the 80's and 90's to the AIDS epidemic. I spent so many years with them while they were stuck in AIDS wards away from their family/friends.

These wonderful men gave the best of themselves while they were at their weakest moments. Your generations were robbed of their influence and acceptance. They would have loved you unconditionally and it hurts to know what you have lost. I will never forget and in their honor/memory I love and accept you as you are, perfect.

@exiliaex There are queer elders. They've just been kept away from queer kids, and queer kids taught to fear and hate them by respectability seeking queers.

@FinalOverdrive @exiliaex and that's what the "groomers" panic is about, coming from people who do actual grooming on an industrial scale

@exiliaex this is a beautiful and encouraging thought. I'm really glad I got to see it today.

@exiliaex one thing I have thought is that houses should have "diaries", books that stay with the house as people move in and out and tell the stories of the people who lived there. imagine having a book in a cupboard that you can open up and read what the people who lived there in 1970 thought was important

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A small congregation of exiles.