right now, in the "online left" spaces on twitter, they're debating xenogenders for the umpteenth time while still regurgitating things like "but if you say you're treegender you're not literally a tree!!!" it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad, and emblematic of how that space has operated for the last couple years (at minimum)

@exiliaex ah yes, we shall hear the opinions of the cis white socdems claim it's the aggressive xenogenders that are hurting *his* movement, and that's the only reason for the failings of said movement.

It's really ironic to see these progressives use the same arguments that were used against MLK at the start by white people. It's almost like the arguments they use have nothing to do with anything to do with movements or policy it's just they're a bigot of some kind! lol


@agreedyboi the guy was literally like "i know this sounds like a conservative argument but xenogenders are just special snowflakes trying to get attention"

like bruh

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