
what is transformed by justice?

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@errante on whose account does justice transform our future acts?

@exiliaex interesting question. Justice is a pretty nebulous concept to me. I think my initial instinctive answer, biases and all, would be something akin to justice should transform resentment into peace, but this feels very wrong. Resentment from whom ? Peace for whom ?
Not to mention that resentment itself may be just and peace unjust. I think justice should be more encompassing than that as well.
I don't know how to finish this thought yet.

@exiliaex if Thrasymachus was right about justice against Socrates (which seems to be the way many modern theories of the state):

-justice is "nothing other than the advantage of the stronger" (338c)
-justice is obeying the laws of the ruler(s) (339b)
-justice is "really someone else's good, the advantage of the man who is stronger and rules" (343c)

Then all of space – both epistemic and for the concrete metaphysicians – is transformed (though I don't believe it's morally good to do so)

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