
I maintain that there are many who claim the title marxist and communist who only "believe in marxism" insofar as it describes the condition of capital as a condition in which "society does not govern itself" and only insofar as it prescribes a society governing itself consciously.

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it explains that odd marxist-pathologizing of despots as "enacting the will of the people" in places that aren't doing anything remotely socialist.

@exiliaex this also reminds me of the way some alleged marxists (thinking especially of badiou) refer to any autonomous social movement, from indigenous peoples movements, to feminists, to anarchists as "social fascists" but don't see a body governed by a singular representational nationalist regime as having the same oligarchic character

@0utside0utsider i've been avoiding badiou because i keep hearing things like this about him but i really should just get him over with

@0utside0utsider (note to self; see if any of this "social fascism" from badiou corresponds with notions of "irrationality" wrt autonomous movements. as if they're holding the rest of society hostage with their irrationality)

@exiliaex the unfortunate thing about badiou is that he is interesting as a philosopher but terrible as a political thinker- my view is that he is trying to mechanize maoism in a way that ruins what makes maoism dynamic

And yes I'd say that's on point wrt irrationality, but also they frame it as a appropriation from the whole development of a social body, squandering the development of the whole

@exiliaex those marxists just want leviathan to have a better brain, nothing more

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