Look, I love Doe, but I gotta say, 70% of the time it starts talking I just cannot for the life of me follow what it’s saying. It uses too many big words and complex sentence structures. :akko_confused:

@Fawn_Over_Fun you can always ask for explanations (and you can usually even get one in return!)

@exiliaex you said in your most recent post that you believe some people only call themselves marxists insofar as it describes the condition of capital as a condition in which "society does not govern itself". And I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what the claim is here. Is there one? Or is it just a statement about how people use the label?

@Fawn_Over_Fun oh, taken alone that part doesn't mean quite as much.

but in conjunction with its second half "and insofar as it prescribes a condition in which society should govern itself"

what i'm saying is that there are certain people, people that i would consider reactionary/conservative/sometimes outright fascist who call themselves marxists. but that the only marxist thing about them is that they believe 2 things.

1. that right now our society isn't controlled by the conscious decisions of the members involved, but is instead controlled by the will of capital.


2. that our society *should* be controlled, consciously, by the members of society.

when old timey marxists said that "society should be controlled by the members of society" they were saying that workers/worker parties should be the decision makers of society. this often meant that certain kind of people's got left out (disabled/queers/mentally ill)

(here, it should be noted that who marxists consider "the real members of society" aka. the workers, determines which "society" should be controlling society)

when reactionaries who call themselves marxists say it, they don't mean "people should work together, coordinate their power" like marxists do. they instead mean "this despot doing horrible things is actually just finally wresting his country and his people away from the clutches of capital, and is finally enacting THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE" even though its just fashy bullshit

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@exiliaex ahh, okay! Thanks for the explanation! I completely agree, this class reductionist attitude is certainly very stupid. It makes much more sense to me now. :QueerCatHeart_Trans: :QueerCatHeart_Pansexual: :QueerCatHeart_Trans:
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