Random.... work?

OK guys, sooo.. philology. Nietzsche wrote a lot about reinterpreting the ancient scholars, because he thought that they were being twisted to conform to modern culture, and being used this way, stunted society's growth

I think we do the same on a microcosmic scale with online discourse, largely by accepting dishonest framing that has survived, and misremembering / forgetting the memes that actually came out of them.

For example: dgg makes fun of vaush saying "ontologically evil", when vaush was talking about Republicans specifically

They twisted it to mean, "anyone I don't like is evil", and then they disingenuously use it that exact way.

They reversed a meme and divorced it from its meaning

Just like modern Germany did with Rome/ Greece

Meme reversal is pretty common, I feel like

Or meme misdirection, like the edit of Sunday's cough being changed to mean he is accusing nse of stealing 700 gorillion dollars

@Somniostatic "Against His-Story, Against Leviathan" brings up the concept of "inversion" in this kind of context a lot

@Somniostatic like there's a cool line that goes

"The early resisters have some clear and powerful conceptions; the generations that follow them eventually invert every one of these conceptions and turn the initial commitment on its head."

@Somniostatic or another;

"The heresy-hunt inverts every tenet the Christians had stood for. Henceforth, “I say unto you” will be heard only from the mouth of Pontifex Maximus; any other individual who expresses his vision will be a false prophet or, worse yet, Satan’s tool."


@Somniostatic okay a final one because i'm jerking this piece off rn

"The European Leviathan actually emerges strengthened by the Plague, and not only by the gradual acquisition of immunization.

In a community of free human beings, the outbreak of Plague would bring unmitigated disaster. But a Leviathan is an inverted community. Its His-Story is a sequence of human disasters. The human beings trapped in a Leviathan are mirror image of their disasters. In a Leviathan, as its inmates succintly and cynically observe, one man’s loss is another’s gain."

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