Anarchist News: **Decomposition: For Insurrection Without Vanguards**

"From Ungrateful Hyenas The writings of Tiqqun and the Invisible Committee have given rise to the emergence of an authoritarian insurrectionalist tendency that has been recruiting and building its ranks for about the past decade and a half. Although one of the trademarks of tiqqunism is its approach to “invisibility”, or not being legible as a distinct tendency, after so many years and some significant betrayals, tiqqunists have thoroughly revealed who they are and what they want,…"

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@anarchismhub @FinalOverdrive

this reads like someone who has never gone through tiqqun's works

@anarchismhub @FinalOverdrive "tiqqun's magnum opus, the coming insurrection"

come on dawg, its like they dont even know works published as tiqqun

@exiliaex @anarchismhub All the same, this tendency's days are finished. Legible struggle is back.

@FinalOverdrive @anarchismhub i will read the ungratefulhyena's pdf in full. i am curious, though this news posting did not fill me with confidence

@exiliaex @anarchismhub I'll be honest though...I have been slowly realizing the weaknesses of legibility in some areas. The difficulty: being legibile to one another without being legible to the powerful.

@exiliaex @FinalOverdrive @anarchismhub is there a longer article or something? I read the link and couldn’t really figure out what tiqquinism is

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