currently my website ( hosts a library of texts, but it sucks as a library. i'm just utilizing blog infrastructure and dumping pdfs inside of a series of folders somewhere.

does anyone know of a good library infrastructure i could start utilizing? i've considered the anarchistlibrary infrastructure, but i'd prefer something else honestly.

@exiliaex what would you optimally want the user (and curator) flows to look like for this kind of website?


@oldwomanjosiah really i'd just like a website where the curators can add a text (maybe a pdf) with it's related information into a file and users can access different presentations of that data according to client-side sorting choices, if that makes sense.

i wasn't thinking of anything really complex. just simple database stuff. index, tag, search, sort.

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@exiliaex i’m not very experienced in front end but the back end for that sounds relatively simple (i do eat my words on that sentiment sometimes though 🙃)

i could see this being a generally useful piece of software though

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