anytime i hear someone say "marxist economics" i want to scream

@exiliaex Yet it exists, and has numerous names: Marxian, Marxist, etc.

@FinalOverdrive oh i get you. i just hate that the name implies marx was doing political economy. or that he thought communism/socialism was a particular way of doing political economy.

@exiliaex I'm n individualist anarchist, so I don't think we'll ever be free of political economy. But that's just me.


@FinalOverdrive yeah, i don't really consider myself a marxist, nor an "individualist" or "social" anarchist.

but my politics are such that i believe that the abolition of the state brings with it the abolition of political economy. people will act politically and it will change certain things wrt what we think of as "economic activity" ; the various labors of various free peoples.

the state and its institutions are what overcodes activity as economy, which then manages that activity through political institutions (through violence)

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