I honestly don't know why i don't use this app more. On Twitter, I'm just meaner as I'm surrounded by the worst people. No matter how i try and cut the heads off the Hydra, they just keep regrowing. I can't stand the racists or other types of unworth as they just make me instantly tell them to run from life. Marxists are generally horrible, and ironically, their treatment of anarchists only made me more sympathetic towards anarchism as time went on.

I do follow some very good people, some very inspirational people who do give me more hope than i have. I'm not the depressed sort as i don't know how you could not be hopeful of the future if you're a marxist. All you have to do is follow the movements. One job some fail. As i follow these people at times, i learn something new, become more radical, and gain more concrete points and, in return, make the people who decide to listen to me a bit more knowledgeable and radical.

News is a big thing on Twitter, tho i don't like it a lot. I've been taken by it before and made hostage, every day watching and every day listening. It's all noise and spectacle. Things to fill your ears up and block what's around you, and suddenly later, you'll be debating about Bud Light. We need some of it, tho. We can't exactly deafen ourselves to the now. We need to listen as the horrible things go on and watch the regin of monster devour the living. How else are we to learn how to defeat it?

Do i like it all? I do like debating on Twitter and taking my anger out on the poor stalinist who speaks. It's, however, pointless as I'm not accomplishing anything from it, I'm just yelling at the void. No, worse, I'm yelling at a human. A human who does not know how they're wrong, who will not be changed from a hostile environment, and will definitely react badly. There could be absolutely anything happening in their lives, and stalinism might just be that thing that helps them escape. Or maybe a friendship that is tied by ideology, and i have just helped reinforce. I shouldn't be doing that.

On this topic, there is one slight thing I'd been to address. I've spoken about the faceless, but that is not the full picture. What about the faces of those who people can recognise. Faces who we know and they, well, we are the faceless to them. This is a grey question as some of these "faces" let's drop that and humanise it. These people are of many types. Some are good people, flawed maybe, but honestly, good people. Some are horrible and are better left in a ditch somewhere. To those good-hearted people, i do give my kindness and ignore anything bad, they may say, depending on the level, of course.

Those who are recognisable, the content creators, authors, politicians, and those who are established. Some can be horrible people with bad intentions. War profiting, mass harassment, lying as a means of profiting, assault on all levels, etc, this list can go on. I hate these people, and for how bad it is, it drains me to even name them. I want them to just go away. Leave the earth, never to return, but I'll never get this wish. I see them on Twitter constantly. So-called marxists lying to mass movements in hopes of profit and prolonged life. Prolonged life in the form of a book, in a shelf somewhere, maybe even a penguin edition! The content creators who just spread their stupidity across the Internet. These hordes they make i battle against every now and then, and they just keep coming. They never stop. Manufactured discourse is the topic, and they will spread it.

I should uninstall the app, but there's something that hooks me. Maybe I'll be smarter tomorrow to make a decision.


@agreedyboi i feel so much of this. i was doing so good at staying off of twitter til recently. im trying to convince myself that if im going to argue about things, i owe it to myself to actually do the work of writing things out fully, with sources and extra reading and whatnot.

@exiliaex oh, I've been doing this too. I've been slowly going through President Sunday's reading list, trying not to have blindspots. Tho i might cut out some of the greeks, i hate reading greek philosophy lol one of the things I've learned so far is how much the idea of human nature plagues our conversations with people. Honestly, i go to even a radical marxist, we start talking about abolishing states and police forces, and suddenly, I'm speaking to a radical liberal.

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