i hate it when people join a community, ones that are v diverse in tendencies and ask "hey I'm new to socialism. Can someone explain it to me?". It's like asking people in a lunatic asylum which of the voices in their head is the correct one, and watching a whole number of people proclaim that it is their third, or fifth, or sixth voice that is the correct one.


@agreedyboi i wish we could have more people who were ready to answer that question in a way that negates its false premises

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@exiliaex ironically, i said the same thing in a server I'm in and got the reply "just be a leninist" and when i said no, i was asked "why do you hate communism". I am now wondering if I'm inside the asylum or outside now lmao

Also, yeah, I'd like more people to answer that correctly. Not even like perfectly or directly, but like somewhat so. Even if they're not that informed or only vaguely know, just don't say it's when the state gives out welfare it's all i ask of people, lmao.

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