So how much do people actually give a shit about CWs on food, eye contact and dogs

my thinking is, if we can't figure out good community standards for when it's cool to berate others for breaching etiquette across instances, I don't very well see the point of touting Fedi as an alternative to Twitter or Bluesky

I'm not so interested in the discourse as I am trying to figure out how to allay concerns of people who are considering joining my insurance but on the fence for a variety of reasons. Seeing Elon put the boot down on people I care about is becoming a bit much.


@xan i was on masto years ago and i tried to be a part of the "encourage others to have good site etiquette" but honestly, i've dropped the whole thing because its always just "berate others" and its annoying.

the best way to use this site is for everyone to stop acting like we're building the perfect site of the future with the perfect way to engage with each other and instead to just post and have fun.

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