uspol, religious, trauma thoughts 

wait did rightoids enjoy their childhood? is this the core difference between us? I would never want to 'go back to a simpler time'. everything sucks now but it would be objectively worse if I still lived with my family or I was still a fundamentalist Christian.

uspol, religious, trauma thoughts 

@smitten imo, for a lot of people, childhood was a free and thoughtless time, in which Things Worked The Way They're Supposed To.

that's a very different thing than what we usually think of as "enjoyment." i think they "enjoyed" not having to think about certain things, or not having to worry about certain things. i think they "enjoyed" things feeling like they were in Their Proper Place.

re: uspol, religious, trauma thoughts 

@exiliaex I don't disagree with you but even that is something that doesn't match my experience. I was constantly feeling uneasy, trying to keep track of a lot of rules, self-censor, and doing a lot of faking to match people's expectations.

re: uspol, religious, trauma thoughts 

@smitten thats how i remember it for myself too. childhood was not simple and things did not feel like they were in their proper place. everything felt wrong. often.

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