it's cool to see twitter breaking a major function of cross-platform info sharing by killing off-site embeds in exactly the same way google did by killing reader, the same way apple did by killing flash

the enemy of all infrastructural stability online is the corporation's irrational hunger for profit at all costs. just because the head of today's dragon is a fucking court jester doesn't change the fact that this will only keep happening as long as the web is a playground for venture capital

yes yes yes elon is a divorced capitalist pig who abuses his workers and demands unquestioning loyalty from his fans and loved ones, everybody laugh, it's a funny spectacle

but he isn't The problem. he is to online infrastructure what trump was to the us presidency: a walking talking exposé on how much the essential power structures that define our society run on verbal agreements and vaguely defined norms. absolutely everything we rely on is designed to be bought and plundered sooner or later

i don't want Another Twitter i want digital infrastructure that i know will still be around in 15 years


@sarahzedig i dont want another twitter i want everyone to realize that our relationship to the internet is unhealthy and needs to be rethought from the bottom up, starting with people taking control of the infrastructure they use to communicate online with.

i'm ready for the mutations to start.

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@exiliaex @sarahzedig
Likewise. I'm so ready for something to supplant Telegram and Discord and all the rest. Something fully-decentralized and ideally peer-to-peer but also redundant enough to tolerate the loss of a node to hardware failure and enable the user to recover their profile.

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