
christian street preachers be like "it's God's mission for me to get humiliated by 19 year olds for the rest of time"

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honestly, gotta respect the dedication to their humiliation kink

@exiliaex I don't want to respect it but that might be just what they want. 😔

@exiliaex i remember making fun of the church to my grandpap on the phone (hes the most left wing person in my family ironically enough) and then someone hands me one of those funny (in an ironic sense) christian comics. Also it was the one with the meme too (the "many people hated him for telling the truth").
@Mondobizarrro @exiliaex oooh those are called chick tracts! they're an extremely entertaining read
@zanyfen @exiliaex the jtc comics are ironically funny as hell and are really well illustrated. Its really a waste of talent if you ask me that he used his work for "religious comics". He should have done something more instesd of using it to just shit on ppl he disliked or didnt understsnd like d&d

@exiliaex When a gay couple kisses, it's so over for them. They have to just watch lmao

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