
conservative christian sermon 

how is this a real sermon and not a Tim Heidecker bit

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re: conservative christian sermon 

@exiliaex why can't King David just be white? would be so much easier :neofox_sad:

re: conservative christian sermon 

@Cheezebell @exiliaex so he just replaced them with Ace Ventura lines?? lmao

re: conservative christian sermon 

@Cheezebell @exiliaex damn, I should start posting here more. Especially since I purged my twitter, mainly because of how bad it was. But the nail in the coffin for removing it was them getting rid of all of the hourly animal bots. The death of @hourlypossums hit

re: conservative christian sermon 

@darkmechanix @exiliaex yeah I really do not want to open Twitter anymore.
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