i wish there was a fediverse instance that let me like, API-connect to other social media sites so i could choose to get a stream of my other site's feeds and could interact through the fediverse posting on the other social media site.


like without those websites starting to use federated technology, yknow?

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what i'm saying is let me curate a perfect feed from twitter without making me go to twitter

@exiliaex All Twitter accounts have RSS feeds. If you can subscribe to RSS via your Fedi tech of choice, you can do that.

@lethargilistic @exiliaex

yeah it friggin sucks, can't even lurk twitts anymore, reddit still allows rss follow, we'll see how long that lasts

@lethargilistic but there's no way to associate a fedi account to a twitter account, for example. no way to use fedi as the home client for multiple social media.

my problem is that i just don't want to open twitter anymore but i don't want to be disconnected from certain people over there who are not interested in moving to a "confusing and buggy" website like fediverse instances

@exiliaex That's an interesting idea. Allowing users to curate who someone else is outside Fedi.

Sometimes i sit in the dark and mumble to myself about how much better things would be if the whole world abandonned centralised social networks and transitioned to the fediverse.
And i'm only half-joking.

@ja_herre @lethargilistic yeah same! there's so much goodness to be had in federated, decentralized networks - but most people like ease of access and the fediverse is inherently a higher bar of access that centralized sites.

also people think to themselves "none of my favorite micro-celebreties are gonna be on that site!!!"

which is why i think one of the best paths we can take is modifying fediverse clients to be able to form connections to accounts on other websites. so you can always be connected to them even if they don't want to leave a centralized site.

@exiliaex @ja_herre @lethargilistic reddit and discord both use a "semi-federated" model, a closed, centralized version of federation with many independently-managed fiefdoms with freedom-of-movement between fiefdoms but not between services. I do see some form of federation, probably more like the reddit/discord model than the masto model, as eventually becoming dominant.

@exiliaex @ja_herre @lethargilistic the hardest problem in social media is moderation. you could even say it's the only truly hard problem. so sites will live or die by their moderation method, and fiefdoms has the tremendous advantage of being essentially free/volunteer. something something mode of production something something superstructure. anyway, it's a good model to claim the benefits of a social media site with much easier to manage liabilities

My secret hope is that institutions will begin to move to the fediverse one day and that will incite people to follow them here.
Universities are a clear example of the kind of institution that would greatly benefit from it. Having the possibility to host your own server where your researcher and teachers discuss their work should be in everyone's best interest. And it would be amazing if could just search academics by looking up @profesorname@universityname. Also newspapers should host their own servers, not so much for getting views at first but more for journalists to exchange on their work. They should be able to see the point of owning their own platform given the current social media landscape.

@exiliaex i tried so hard to do this, but ironically thanks to elon it's harder to get the rss shit now apparently. I had to use stuff like nitter to do it but that's not always great.

@agreedyboi @exiliaex and nitter now is even harder to get to work since Musk has made twitter crack down on it.

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