i'm planning on publishing something on Autonomy (as a principle of self-organization) and i'm pulling a lot from the italian-variant of Autonomists. in particular i'm pulling from the book Autonomia: Post-Political Politics and there's this one section, which is kind of unnerving, that i just still don't quite get

(no alt-text, too much text)

@exiliaex I think what the author is talking about is a sort of political heritage. the first passage advocates, imo, a sort of means-end unity in its conception of class-party-revolution and counter poses it to the social democratic means of revolution/socialism. because the 1848 revolutions were bourgeois-national revolutions with some proletarian content, we might see in the grey-hairs a sort of political heritage from them that undermines the workers movement by preventing it from establishing means-ends unity. so shooting them is an offensive move because it allows the workers movement to transcend it's political heritage and grasp a new form of politics. there's a little bit of muddling with agency but I think the author is talking more about effect than causality with the final passage. the effect is offensive on the part of the workers movement


@bikeshed oooooooh. now that's an interesting read. unnerving even more so now. thank you for writing out your thoughts. genuinely very helpful, i think you're hitting the nail on the head.

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