
if our society is "for the people" and "by the people" why is it every time people organize to actually coordinate a collective experience of the world these Armed Outsiders show up to cause problems?

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@exiliaex it's a threat to tell you that they speak for you. people recognize there's power in speaking for others because the more people you can speak for, presumably the greater the violence you can wield over others. when a pig says they're defending "the city" they know that the city includes you despite you being at odds with them, but it's also a way to highlight you as being something other to "the city" if the defenders of the city are against you. its incoherent doublespeak nonsense because parsing doublespeak is like getting hit with a flashbang in that it's too overwhelming for most people to know how to respond to and they just get to sit there grinning stupidly with their gibberish slogans

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A small congregation of exiles.