
most likely, these "gray shirts" would be ruthlessly mocked and punked both online and off before they had the chance to grow into a real threat, but it's still disturbing that this is the mindset coming from silicon valley, plenty of tech bro losers no doubt align with him


San Francisco is already a lost cause in this reapect. When Newsom was Mayor he focused extensively on turning it into a techbro paradise and now when you go to the Mission to look at historic murals you find half of them have been Beiged out. It will maybe take another 20 years to completely white wash the city, but the culture is moving in that direction. I think its a fools errand to try to stop it. But it should be an example to other cities on why you have to fight gentrification relentlessly. As they try to expand to other places they need to be met with extreme forms of discomfort to keep them in the Bay Area. Quarantine it as best we can. Probably they will win in every other city too, because they do control wealth and power, but at the least when you see tech bro nerds move in, bully them a bit and maybe they will go back where they feel comfortable.


@exiliaex this is beyond parody, not even being subtle about wanting to start a cult and have it govern some kind of dystopian hellscape city. These people really look at dystopian fiction and treat them as something to aspire to make real. They really want to build the torment nexus (the thing is also none of these things are new, these are some very old kinds of authoritarianism, with a thin shiny tech veneer)


Seems like scientology without the extrasteps.

But questionable would people join without those rpg-elements.

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