i sometimes believe marx is overhyped in his debates against other socialists during his time because the people he debated were genuinely brain dead and moronic. It feels like I'm cheering on a man duelling a corpse.


@agreedyboi lmao yeahhhhh - but somehow those other people are still powerfully-relevant in the (brain dead and moronic) works of plenty of current 'leftists' and 'communists' so... i'm still here cheering for my boy karl

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@exiliaex yeah, unfortunately a lot of political interactions within the left are just downstreams and repeated cycles of these debates... well actually, that's not even exactly true it's moreso the debates are happening, but without marx lmao. The resurrected Proudhon debating a resurrected Lassalle. But it won't be like this forever tho, I'm pretty optimistic.

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