
i think i maybe fractured my finger a couple days ago

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kids, dont fall up the stairs crushing and whacking your finger just because you're rushing to grab something you forgot before you leave to go volunteer to do a bunch of work with your hands - no matter how many other kids tell you it's the cool thing to do

@exiliaex 😰 ouch?! That really sucks. Are you gonna be able to go get some kind of medical attention for it?

@phoenixphoenix thankfully i've got a doctor appointment set up for the repeat ankle injuries i've been dealing with for the last year, i'll probably bring it up then

@exiliaex oh ok ... Well that's good, I mean, repeat injuries, also not good, but I hope some help comes of getting it all checked out. Hope you can take it somewhat easy in any ways possible until then too

"I think I might have a fracture."
Jesus... Tell me you are an american or in a country with no public healthcare without saying it.
I hope you get better and it doesn't hurt too much.

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