
mastodon is anarchy-social-media

cohost is socialism-social-media

bsky is liberal-social-media

twitter is fascist-social-media

· · Web · 3 · 5 · 17

masto - everyone does what they want, you connect to who you want, you disconnect from who you want, you either voluntarily submit to someone else's rules or you set up your own

cohost - no ads, no corps, but control is maintained via a small vanguard

twitter - 'to keep making money we've decided to embrace white supremacists, transphobia, anti-semitism - when that inevitably doesn't work out we're going to monetize more and more and more aspects that were once offered for free!'

bsky - 'we'll compete with the fascists by making the exact same product but Friendlier™'

@nus @exiliaex it helps that bsky gives tools to put a biiiig Shut Up sign on the bigots. They REALLLY don't like being ignored. But it doesn't remove them, and those same tools can easily help bind them even closer together, for those that stay.


I ran a BBS in the 90's. ActivityPub and XMPP are what it was before the corporate takeover. I love it.


as far as i know cohost was made people who wanted mastodon to be good but got really annoyed with the drama between instances. so, no federation, no instances, no ads, just chronological posts (with some markdown capabilities for fun visuals of posts)

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