
audio on masto videos almost never work for me on browser (but do work on my phone app) and idk why

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and it doesn't seem to be a function of *my* masto instance, because the problem still occurs when i'm on others' instances

oh hm, but private windowing fixes it. hmmmmm

@eris @exiliaex yeah… video might work with openh264 for instance, but if audio is AAC then afaik there is no decoder that can be used legally in free software without purchasing a license

@mia @eris but for some reason private browsing windows fixes the problem

@eris @mia huh, good thinking - i just tested with add ons off and that fixed it. i only have a couple, i wonder which one was blocking it.

@eris @mia and after a test it's apparently my Volume Control add on that breaks it??? weird.

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