i don't know why i continue to return to the idea that every form-of-life produces its own time.

when i was following agamben's work i found a version of this, stated slightly less focused on time. (mostly in The Highest Poverty, but i got there through Tiqqun/Invisible Committee/other Agamben works first, all of which felt like what they were saying could lead to this thought)

but again, i find another version of it in D&G's Anti-Oedipus. the flow (or flux) of machines, all connecting and disconnecting from each other, slicing off from the flow to produce another kind of flow. relational rhythm, from microscopic to macroscopic.


it ties heavily into my beliefs about world creation - the world building we are always doing to make sense of everything we come into contact with. the connections that transform contact into world creation.

we find ourselves as part of the rhythm of different "forms-of-life" - both "real" and "artificial" - we move between these rhythms. we translate these rhythms with our own machines, our own flows. we become one instrument among many. signs arise through the connections we make, their movements make meaning, as signs pointing to signs. we let their rhythm move us. or it moves us whether or not we let it, more accurately.

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