
woke up this morning& found like three of these fat little guys on my tomatillos.. i picked them off& threw them into a nearby bush (likely to their demise)... but once they mature, they do become cool pollinators. there's a bunch of datura growing wild all around my area, which they also like to eat. so chris had the idea of next time just putting them in a jar& releasing them onto the datura plants

apparently if u fry them they're supposed to be rly tasty..... hmmmmm

@exiliaex yea, i was reading about hornworms specifically. people said they taste kinda like fried tomatoes... i'm a bit squeamish about it lol but i think i'd try them at least once

@fauxlosopher eating any bug sounds intuitively gross to me but im certain plenty actually taste fine!

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A small congregation of exiles.