@emilia-miki I would kill for cheap housing in a walkable city compared to the unafforable suburban sprawl hellscape that the US has
@nyx @azureazure meh i think there's less nazis here than in the US
the worst parts about living here are
1) corruption
2) generally being poorer than the first world
3) russia existing close to you
@emilia-miki @azureazure yeah I guess that perception probably has a lot to do with westoids being like "everyone that isn't us is le bad and nazis/totalitarians/islamic fundamentalists, unlike the west which is the BASTION of PROGRESSIVISM and FREEDOM" when from the sound of it in Europe for instance some of the worst far right organizing is happening in the west. not to mention all the Israel support

also tbh #1 is a thing here too, we just call it "lobbying" instead and then it's totally fine and a different thing trust me the media which is also definitely not a propaganda apparatus said so

@azureazure @emilia-miki @nyx also local businesses are expected to bribe police and get special stickers to put on their cars and windows for special treatment

@nyx @emilia-miki @azureazure Yeah you get stickers if you donate to the policeman’s association. If you don’t have those stickers or if your local patrol officers know they can’t get free stuff at your store they get awfully slow at responding to robberies.

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