As someone who has had trouble understanding gender as a concept and especially figuring out what "my" gender is I'm not sure how to act when someone sets a boundary in the form of "no cishet people" or "[gender/sexuality/identity] only."

Like, maybe I'm cishet, maybe I'm trans or queer, but I'm not sure how to decide that or what those words even mean. I'm not "questioning" either, I'm deliberately avoiding it. But if I have good reason to use a queer-only resource/space anyway... can I?


@f00fc7c8 i've stopped trying to read those signs for their literal words, because its so rarely what they actually mean (and even more rarely can it actually apply to me, in the way i view gender, which is very heterogenous and not reducible to any particular boundary like "no straight people")

but, you kinda said it yourself imo, "if you have a good reason to use the resource..." then you should. if you think you're actively harming someone by your use of the resource yknow, i'd maybe rethink it, but, if you are deviant enough in your conception of gender as to actively disregard the man/woman dichotomy... uhhhh idk that's pretty queer i guess is all im saying lmao

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