watching twitter friends just "leave social media entirely" because they can't get used to fedi. sad tbh

@eris there definitely needs to be more accessible onboarding info that isn't just a wall of text. i'm really glad that @DemonMama made one on her YT channel, but there's still a lot of times where the UX is confusing and inconsistent enough that a new user is going to feel like they're going to make a mistake, just by trying to do something a simple as follow someone else.

@exiliaex @DemonMama I've said it before but I have the controversial view that this complexity works out in fedi's favor. We only get the folks who can figure it out and leave Bernice and Hilda and Bruce behind.

There are fedi platforms like Soapbox that are meant to fully emulate the UX of Twitter which is why sites that use it like Truth Social are so popular, but then these end up like a quarantine of those people who need it lol

@eris that's not an indefensible view, i dont entirely disagree, but, the interplay between a federated set of servers, browser caching, and the way activitypub works means that even people who can and do figure it out have to walk through a whole stage of "uhhh okay do i need to make an account on every instance" because they click on someones profile and it opens in a new tab without an immediate ability to follow and stuff like that. it means either trial and error or asking someone who knows.

and even the places which want to mimic the UX of twitter will run into (at least some of) these problems.

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@exiliaex Eventually ActivityPub will be replaced with something P2P-based in my opinion, where instances aren't a thing and each user is their own federated node. ScuttleButt is working on that but it's still far from usable.

In the meantime tho I guess we just chill with the cool peeps here
@eris @exiliaex I like the vibe of instances, it's like tilde servers or small-scale community servers. But I am okay with giving that up for a peer-to-peer world.
@oklomsy @exiliaex groups would fulfill that better than instances do anyway. if you're kicked out of a group, you would still have full access to your account and your network. Fedi absolutely is 100% a flawed platform but it'll be a good bridge to something better



Yeah, P2P would help, right now every instance must pay its expenses and for big instances expenses can be high. And this is a problem for the sustainability of the fediverse. With p2p everyone would be independent. Is it doable? That is a good question....

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