today i woke up to some guy cutting down one of the trees i know the crows nest in 😭

well it's official, that tree is completely gone now. very upsetting. i fed some crows today, i know it'll be high stress for them for a while.


went on a walk with my dog today - didn't see or hear any crows. that used to be really rare, i hope that tree coming down didn't push them out of this part of the neighborhood.

anyways, i know they know where i live and so i expect them to stop back in soon if they get hungry.

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@exiliaex i hope they return. I wish crows lived by my house your relationship with them sounds really rewarding

@destroy i find it really rewarding, honestly. i find all of my developing relationships with animals really rewarding. they've taught me a lot about how focus - what i let my attention rest on, how i think about it - shapes my experience of the world in general.

@exiliaex I’ve been wondering about cultivating a relationship with the squirrels in the trees in front of my house but also I don’t want to invite them to be comfortable with sneaking into our attic and storing nuts there so I’m torn

@destroy squirrels can apparently remember people pretty well and routinely return to food sites. if you bring some nuts with you to a third location (away from your home) and you toss some nuts when you see some squirrels you will probably start developing a relationship with them. though, i think the likelihood of attempts at stealing or biting you are probably slightly higher with squirrels than with crows.

@exiliaex good idea! I could befriend the squirrels in the park across the street! Gives me something to do outdoors

@exiliaex also my front yard squirrels know me it’s pretty neat they’ll just hang out on the lawn looking for seeds while I walk past they don’t even run up the tree anymore

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A small congregation of exiles.